
January 2014 Logic

1 Jan. 2014

Reflecting on Joni’s Insights for January 2014, I whole-heartedly agree with her that spending at least a few minutes every day in meditation will do more for you than just about anything else to help you refocus and rebalance.

If you begin with only five minutes, you will feel the marvelous results and it may prompt you to increase your amount of meditation time. How fabulous would that be? If you already meditate on a daily basis, then you understand what I am saying. If you have never meditated or haven’t in a long time, now is the right time to begin.

Preparing for one of the most challenging years we will ever face, I see our own grounding through meditation and maintaining a strong connection to spirit as essential. From that place we can move forward with much more confidence that we are making the best choices.

Joni also suggests finding a mentor. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a mentor or coach. While some of us may scoff at the notion that we need someone else to tell us what to do, I can humbly say to you that a mentor can do that, but actually can do so much more.

Some of my mentors in this life have been people I have never met in person but only through their written word. Paramahansa Yogananda was the first mentor for whom I never had the privilege of meeting, yet his book Autobiography of a Yogi introduced my 19-year-old heart and mind to concepts which until that point I could only feel and had no words for. Many other mentors and coaches have followed in both physical form and through books, guiding me on the exciting journey of this life.

As the wheel of fortune turns, I mentor and coach people now, while still being coached myself. Learning must never stop. By sharing insight and truths, we as a people on this beautiful blue planet help each other grow closer to the Divine. That is what is called for now. Nothing else will support us through what is headed our way in the coming year.

Reach out for a mentor, whether known or unknown. One will be given to you if you only ask with your heart. Be a mentor. There is someone who will benefit from the knowledge you possess deep within. Share with love and openess, and we will all make it through 2014 safe and well.